Remember when we were kids and we would wish for a certain gift for Christmas? We would write letters to Santa and then rush to the tree Christmas morning to see if we received that gift. Then, as we grew up, we lost some of that excitement when we learned that a man in a red suit and a white beard really didn’t sneak into our house to deliver presents. I may have stopped believing in the man in the red suit but I never stopped believing in the magic of Christmas.
I certainly don’t have room, nor do you want to hear about all the times I have experienced the magic of Christmas. But, some of my favorite memories are, the tiny tree, my Dad and I cut down from the backyard, at the last minute, on Christmas eve the first year my parents divorced. The giant load of food and presents we received from a charity when my kids were little and we were so broke. And getting married to Mr. Wonderful on December 22. I have been blessed beyond measure. Please share your Christmas story. I would love to hear it.
If November is the season of being thankful, then December is the season of giving. Watch Facebook and Instagram for my sales and giveaways. (I also, will be posting tips for cleaning and caring for your jewelry.) I will be clearing out a lot of inventory and this is a good time to get a good deal on a gift for someone or for yourself! This will start after Robinson’s on the 3rd of December.
January and February I will be working on a few new techniques. I am going to concentrate on lost wax casting and I am taking a class while I am in Tucson on reverse roll printing. It will be interesting to see how it fits into my jewelry making.
Merry Christmas my dear friends, XXO
1 comment
Merry Christmas Lisha🌲🌲🌲🌲