Another year in the books! When I worked for the school system one of the best parts was the sense of completion at the end of the school year. Sometimes I wish we could get that at the end of the actual year. Lol
But it is a time to put the past year behind and look forward to the new year, make goals and resolutions. Often, they are about being more organized, eating healthy, working out, quit smoking or drinking etc. For me it usually has to do with how I will improve my jewelry making and business. I have already spilled the beans on attempting to incorporate lost wax casting into my products and about the class I am taking. I strive to make my blogs about things that are of interests and thing you may not know about. If anyone has any ideas, please comment on my blog page. You can always find it on my website on the menu.
So here is my little jewelry tidbit. New Years Eve Jewelry Ideas:
- You must have something that sparkles! Rhinestones and cz count
- How about something for luck, horse shoe, dice with your lucky number etc.
- Something that makes a statement, a bold ring, necklace or bracelet
- Maybe something to remind you of your goal. A word or a message inside a charm
- Something that reminds you of a favorite memory from the past year.
This is totally made up by me. Maybe I will make a new tradition for myself. What ever you do. I pray that 2023, brings good health, wealth, (it doesn’t have to be money it can be blessings of any kind), and great happiness for you and your families.
Much, Much Love