October - Mourning Jewelry

October - Mourning Jewelry

Mourning jewelry - maybe not what you think it is? I am going to be a bit of a downer, sorry. In the old days they made mourning jewelry out of the deceased hair. I know it seems kind of gross, but to have a piece of hair from  the person whom you lost might somehow can makes them seem closer.  In Victorian times mourning jewelry was quite popular. Many of the stones were dark or even black. Skulls and crosses were often featured.


After my second husband died, I was heartbroken. No one told me the physical pain that you have when you lose the love of your life. I literally thought I was having a heart attack and i guess that is why they say your heart is broken. I kept his wedding ring on a chain around my neck along with a locket he had given me. One day, it was gone, I never remember taking it off, it was just gone. I was devastated but, my son found it in a basket in the bathroom.


Eventually, I was able to take it off for good. Back then I didn't know what blessings God had in store for me. Third time is a charm, Prince Charming to be exact, many of you know him by Mr. Wonderful.


How about you? Do you wear mourning jewelry? Could it be a wedding ring from a break up or death? Is it a macaroni necklace from child? Is it something from a friend, sister, parent what is no longer with you? Also, it could be a piece of jewelry from a loved one that gives you a great memory. Would anyone else like to share? Please comment, I'm sending you a hug right now.

XXO Lisha

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